Saturday, June 25, 2011

Parkland Patients, Speak Up!

This blog is a new forum by which people who have had issues with Parkland Hospital/UTSW can have their voices heard.  There is power in numbers, so please post your story here.  No one will pay attention if there are only one or two, but as our numbers grow, someone will surely sit up and take notice.

Nothing can change until someone in authority will admit change is necessary.  Please join me in trying to make this happen. There are dozens of us out here - maybe hundreds - who have felt betrayed in some way by Parkland.  Did you feel your medical care was less than adequate?  Did you feel you were treated rudely or disrespectfully by employees, doctors, or nurses?  Have you received a bill that is woefully inflated? 

I can say yes to nearly all of that.  I will post my story a little at a time.  Please join me and post yours!

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