Sunday, June 26, 2011

Parkland Does it Again

I'm sure everyone has seen the article in today's Dallas Morning News about the death of a psych patient at Parkland.  Their actions are deplorable, but the most deplorable of all to me is the fact that Parkland CEO, Ron Anderson, will not respond to the mother of this patient.  How difficult would a simple "I'm Sorry" be?  When I met with Parkland (there I go - getting ahead of myself again), Dr. John Jay Shannon at least apologized to my face.  It was obviously not a sincere apology, since his rebuttal to my newspaper column didn't say he was sorry for anything, but for some crazy reason, it made me feel slightly better at the time.  Can't Dr. Anderson try to make this dead patient's mother feel a little better by acknowledging he at least understands her pain?  What a douchebag!

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